In July 2023 the US Government took an unprecedented step in holding hearings from witnesses, characterized as whistleblowers, about UFOs and alien activity on Earth. The testimony they heard was astounding.
According to these witnesses, aliens have definitely visited Earth, and furthermore have left evidence of their presence in the form of UFOs (or UAPs if you’re a fan of the refreshed terminology), alien technology, and actual aliens themselves. The US has apparently been operating a clandestine program for decades to unlock the secrets of this alien tech, and retrofit the technology for their own use.
Many of the more alternate parts of the internet have come alive with all sorts of “Aliens Are REAL!” headlines, as if this is not what they have been saying all along. Those with a more open mind however will note that no actual evidence of anything has been provided, and might also be moved to wonder if there’s anything else going on in the US at the moment for which this might provide a welcome distraction.
However, as mentioned above this is an unprecedented step in that official sources are now openly investigating whether these aliens are real. But while everyone is caught up in how cool it would be, there are far fewer who are focused on implications of alien life visiting our planet.
And, if you accept for a moment that these witness testimonies are true and go down that rabbit hole, the future looks very worrying indeed.
1. Earth Life is the Best Life
Firstly, it would seem that these aliens are very similar to those that have been reported by individuals across the world (but, yes, mostly in America) for centuries. Given the broad range of possible environments available to harbor alien life in the vastness of the universe, this would seem to be telling us something about us.
Why are aliens roughly human height, with a similar number of arms, legs, eyes and heads? Why do they encounter no difficulty in surviving in Earth’s environment, pressure, atmospheric composition. Is carbon-based life the only way to do things?
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This would seem to be convergent evolution on an interplanetary scale, but that begs the question as to why the alien homeworlds are all so like ours. It would in fact suggest that we have cracked the only route to intelligence, and yet we see greater biodiversity in our own environment than appears to be suggested from the stars.
Put simply, these aliens are too boring.
2. Interstellar Travel is Easy
Now it’s time for some good news: if there are aliens on Earth then it means that interstellar travel is much more straightforward than we have been worrying about. Furthermore, it also seems to be possible to get to Earth in spaceships roughly the size of modern jet airliners.

It seems that all the battery of psychological concerns that we are facing as we look towards interplanetary travel can be solved, and solved easily. Nor are there vast, unmissable motherships lurking in orbit which might provide a suitable environment for long-term habitation: these aliens came from lightyears away in the space equivalent of a runabout.
There are of course scenarios one could envisage which solve these problems, like hiding enormous motherships in the outer system. However the enormous expense of building such a craft and having it slowly trek from system to system if a slow and wasteful process compared to sending out many more smaller UFOs to each system simultaneously. Why would they explore that way?
Furthermore, all of the calculations and computations, all the math required to aim at a tiny target and hit it with ease, and all of the technology to make this safely work, has also been figured out. Not just in a risky, semi-experimental way as with our own space travel. This has been cracked, completely.
Were the aliens awake for their long journey? Are they especially long-lived by our standards, or do they travel on (tiny) generational ships apparently free from the need for any creature comforts? There is, or course, another possibility, but then physics itself starts to bend.
3. Faster than the Speed of Light
The logical solution to these tiny alien spaceships is that they do not need to be large because the aliens did not spend very long inside. And there’s only one way to explain that: these aliens got here faster than the speed of light.
According to our understanding of the universe, this is impossible. Mathematical curiosities like the Alcubierre Drive pop up from time to time to suggest otherwise, but the simple fact is that travelling faster than the speed of light violates causality: the spaceship would have to be a time machine, and if time travel is possible we would be overrun with future tourists.
Aha, I hear you say, but what about quantum entanglement? What about various other theories which might suggest that travel faster than light is possible after all? Well, while it would be interesting to see which one these aliens perfected, these are all hefty extrapolations based on poorly understood physics. And they all require infinite energy, or no weight, or something else impossible for them to work.
Interestingly, many of the more modern UFO “footage” shows craft which appear to indeed defy physics, executing maneuvers which are impossible. Strangely this is not nearly as common in older craft: it is almost as if our depictions of these UFOs have got more sophisticated as mankind further understands space travel.
4. The New World Order
Hey, guess what? It isn’t just the aliens themselves that are problematic. If all this is true, then that means that the US Government has been lying to the world for decades.
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Yes, we know they have already but this is a bit bigger, as lies go. The levels of security must have been astronomical to keep this big of a secret for so long, with only now a whistleblower coming forward (apparently without anyone trying to stop him) to blow the whole thing wide open.
And where is all this alien tech, supposedly the whole point of the clandestine operation? Pretty much everything we have invented has a clear provenance, so much so that we can say that if there were no aliens then we would still have come up with it anyway. Where, simply put, is the value-add?
5. Why Earth?
So, aliens who look like us and walk, talk and interact like us got into their tiny ships and threw themselves at another star with casual grace, possibly breaking the fundamental laws of the universe to do so? What made them pick Earth?

Did they want resources? Seems stupid to trap themselves in Earth’s gravity well to get them, when we have an entire asteroid belt filled with precious and useful metals to extract with extreme ease for interstellar travelers.
In fact, to our knowledge there is only one thing at all that makes Earth unique: us. Life only exists here, and everything else on our planet can be accessed much easier elsewhere. This is the “Dark Forest” scenario, which posits that alien life only needs to include a vanishingly small number of aggressor species for humanity to be overwhelmed.
So, what do these aliens want with us? They have tech we consider impossible, all the time in the world, and nobody else is around to see what they do. Unless they are space tourists we should be very, very worried indeed.
Top Image: Some think the presence of aliens would be a good thing. We suggest this is unlikely. Source: SciePro / Adobe Stock.
By Joseph Green