Central America has always been a dynamic mix of cultures. The fertile valleys and plains from Mexico to Panama have seen many civilizations rise and fall, some more mysterious than the others but each leaving behind their cultural and architectural stamp on the landscape.
Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican history from the perspective of today is dominated by the Aztecs and, further to the south, the Maya, but in truth these were just the last in a long line of cultures who interacted, fought and traded, lived and died alongside each other. Many of the ruins which litter than central American landscape come from these lesser known civilizations.
Here are the ruins and artifacts of some of the more obscure cultures of central America.
1. Olmec

2. Toltecs

3. Mesoamericans of Teotihuacan

4. Otomi

5. Zapotec

6. Copan Ruinas

Top Image: Monolithic head of an old man in the ruins of Copan Ruinas, Honduras, Central America. Source: Raquelmogado / Adobe Stock.
By Joseph Green