Everybody’s heard of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient world. As a collection of our ancestors’ greatest architectural achievements, they stand unmatched, a testament to our abilities as builders.
Even if most people cannot name any apart from the Great Pyramids at Giza and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and perhaps the Lighthouse at Pharos if they are showing off, the concept of these architectural treasures is imbued in our collective consciousness. But in truth these seven were far from unique.
Many other great buildings and public works were created by the ancients, and even if they are not as famous as the seven which make the main list, they are every bit as grand and as impressive as those. Well, maybe not the pyramids, but you get the point.
1. The Ploutonion at Hierapolis

2. The Temple of Zeus at Cyzicus

3. The Aqueducts and Sewers of Rome

4. The Theatre of Marcus Scaurus

5. The Lost Labyrinth of Hawara, Egypt

6. The Keraton at Delos

7. Tāq Kasrā: the Arch of Ctesiphon

Top Image: There are many more wonders from the ancient world than just the seven famous ones. Source: Deyton / Adobe Stock.
By Joseph Green