Well-documented but not well-understood, the phenomenon of mass hysteria goes back for generations. Lets look at a few bizarre instances of the phenomenon.
Doug MacGowan

Doug MacGowan
Doug MacGowan lives on the San Francisco peninsula with his wife, a dog, and far too many cats. He has published five books on the topic of historic true crime. In his free time he enjoys reading. Read More
Ancient Celts celebrated the cross-quarter day of Lughnasadh around August 1 with large gatherings, games, feasts, and Pagan rites and sacrifices.
Before the Julian calendar, Romans used a lunar calendar that led to dates that moved around across different seasons. The New Year wasn’t fixed.
Poveglia Island lies in the Venice Lagoon off the eastern coast of Italy. Locals are afraid and say it’s an “island of ghosts,” cursed with dark spirits.
Many cultures around the world have been creating elongated skulls for thousands of years, but the exact reasons why are still a mystery.
American crime lore has made the kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh, Jr., the most infamous of…
Paula Jean Welden vanished into nowhere on December 1, 1946, in Bennington Vermont. This is a mystery that would haunt the sleepy town forever.
Many believe Bram Stoker based Dracula’s castle on Bran Castle in Transylvania, but evidence suggests it may have been Slains Castle.
A Christian King was rumored to rule over lands of riches and beautiful animals but was never found. Is the Prester John legend true?
What do we know about Stonehenge’s rings, barrows, and stones, and what can they reveal about who built the megalithic site in ancient Britain and why?
Mysterious stone structures once used for astronomical and burial purposes still stand near Inverness, Scotland. These are the Clava Cairns.
During the purported attack on Lady Florence Dixie, her St Bernard saved her from two assailants dressed in womens clothing.
William Paterson dreamt to establish a Scottish colony and international trade post at Darien, Panama. Did the Darien scheme cause Scotland’s lost freedom?
Celtic goddess Brigid became St. Brigid of Kildare in 450 AD, but she never lost her goddess qualities. How did this ancient deity survive?
Witch prickers drove long needles into accused witches in public in search of the devil’s mark hoping to convict someone of being a witch.