Various Algonquian tribes share depictions of the Wendigo as a horrific primordial beast that is cannibalistic and brooding with evil
Lochlan McClelland

Lochlan McClelland
Working from Australia's capital city of Sydney, Lochlan is a student of Anthropology and History. He believes that sometimes it's the little things that aren't taught in history class that are the most fascinating. Read More
Cult hero D.B. Cooper successfully hijacked a Being 727 in 1971 and parachuted out the back with $200K over Washington and was never found.
Celle Neues Rathaus is a gothic building in Germany that functions as a town hall. But its Nazi past holds secrets in this legendary tale.
The Patomskiy Crater is a geologic mystery baffling scientists who don’t know what caused this weird formation in the wilderness of Siberia.
Do we really know who Aleister Crowley was? Was he just an occultist, satanist, addict, spy, and wicked man, or has he been misunderstood?
In 1942, Hitler sent eight German spies to bomb key targets in the U.S., but Operation Pastorius was filled with moronic errors and betrayal from the start.
Found in the woods of Hamelin, Peter the Wild Boy couldn’t speak. King George I brought him to Kensington Palace and arranged for Peter’s lifelong care.
Thousands of unexplained disappearances in the wilderness are shrouded in mysterious circumstances. These are the Missing 411 cases.
The discovery of the Celtic Prince of Lavau in 2015 was the most important find for French archaeologists since 1958.