Who carved the Burke and Hare Murder Dolls, placed them in wooden coffins, and stashed them in a cliffside niche in the 1800s? And why?
Shelly Barclay

Shelly Barclay
Shelly Barclay writes on a variety of topics from animal facts to mysteries in history. Her main focus is military and political history. She is a writer for the Boston History Examiner, Military History Examiner and the Boston American Revolution History Examiner. She also writes for a local historical society newsletter. Read More
Subhas Chandra Bose conspired with Axis powers to shape the minds and hearts in the fight for India’s freedom. Today, he is a hero.
Some say the murder/suicide of Zach and Addie may have been influenced by demonic presence from the Voodoo Spiritual Temple above their home.
Cicada 3301 is perhaps the most mysterious Internet-based organization in the history of online mysteries. Some say the Cicada 3301 puzzles as unsolvable.
Cults have been around before the dawn of civilization. This article addresses the top 5 active cults still around today.
People who join cults often wind up paying hefty consequences up to and including death. Why do people join them in the first place?
Who was Jim Jones and his Jonestown cult? The People’s Temple deaths were the largest loss of American life in a deliberate act until 9/11.
The modern celebration of Thanksgiving is not how it once was. Take a look at what Pilgrims ate and wore during the First Thanksgiving.
The Poe Toaster ritual is simple. He approaches the grave, puts three red roses on the stone with an open cognac bottle.
Cloning extinct species became reality after a Pyrenean ibex was cloned from DNA obtained from the last specimen. It went extinct in 2000.
Fulcanelli was an alchemist in early 20th century France. His identify is unknown, but some suggest it was Eugene Canseliet or Jean-Julien Hubert Champagne.
Located somewhere in Russia is a slightly changing, but constant broadcast of a mysterious radio station named UVB-76.
Did the ghost of Teresita Basa identify her murderer through a friend? It is impossible to rule out the supernatural and this sure is an interesting case.
What happened to Fletcher Christian following the mutiny on the Bounty? Did he live peacefully on Pitcairn Island or did he secretly return to England?
Santa Claus has probably been around for about 2000 years or more and, over time, has transformed into the jolly, rotund, gift-giver that we all love today.