World War Two, right? Tom Hanks storming the Normandy beaches, Europe in ruins, the siege of Stanlingrad, the death camps, the Nazi wunderwaffe: we all know the story of this greatest and most destructive of human conflicts.
At least, these are the things we remember about the Second World War. As the go-to conflict for US cinema for decades, the narrative became entrenched and the public expected to see these common tropes trotted out whenever they watch a movie set in this time period.
But this was a world war, after all, and quite a lot of the conflict has not fired the imagination of Hollywood producers to this extent. There are many events strange occurrences, tragedies and atrocities which are, comparatively, largely forgotten in the public consciousness.
Here are six such examples.
1. Bicycle Infantry

2. The Battle of River Plate

3. The Kaunas Pogrom

4. Operation Gomorrah

5. The Siege of Leningrad

6. Aktion T4

Top Image: A Hungarian soldier with a bicycle, 1943: bicycle infantry are one of the largely forgotten aspects of World war Two. Source: FORTEPAN; Pétek Edit / CC BY-SA 3.0.
By Joseph Green