The growth of the human race was, for much of it history, a slow and uncertain one. It was only in the last few hundred years, and specifically the 20th century, that this growth became truly explosive and started to have an serious impact on the world in which we live.
However, throughout history man’s predation on the environment has directly led to the extinction of other species. From our close cousins the Neanderthals, through to all sorts of prey species, man has caused many unusual and exotic creatures to disappear forever.
Mostly this was done in ignorance, and earlier generations only knew that the animals were useful to them, failing to recognise the harm they were causing. Many of these animals, gone before the advent of modern science and technology, now survive only in pictures, leaving us to piece together what they might have looked like.
Here are ten animals which we only know from pictures.
1. Dodo

2. The Japanese Wolf

3. Aurochs

4. Great Auk

5. Passenger Pigeon

6. Sea Cow

7. Mammoth

8. Barbary Lion

9. Atlas Bear

10. Imperial Woodpecker

Top Image: An aurochs, extinct ancestor of the cow, depicted in a Roman mosaic at Villa Romana del Casale in Italy (José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro / CC BY-SA 4.0)
By Joseph Green