As a species, it would seem that we feel pretty good about ourselves. But surrounded by the latest on entertainment, labor-saving devices and clever-clever tech, you might easily be duped into thinking that all these brilliant ideas are clustered around the last few decades of human development.
But this would be an mistake indeed. It turns out that a fair few things which we associate with the modern world have in fact been in existence for far longer. It seems that, when it came to innovation or practical need, our forebears were just as quick to come up with something brilliant.
Here are five things you may not realize were invented a long time ago.
1. 3D Movies: 1922

2. Oreo: 1912

3. The Condom: Bronze Age Crete

4. Cymbal: 2300 BC

5. Chewing Gum: Stone Age

Top Image: Don’t worry, iphones and ear buds aren’t that old. But there are some other modern inventions that have been around far longer than you might think. Source: Staras / Adobe Stock.
By Joseph Green