In Fourteen Hundred and Ninety Two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue and the world, for better or for worse, was changed forever. Massive transfers of wealth began from the Americas to Europe, populations of American cultures were decimated by plagues against which they had no immunity, and everyone suddenly got really into shipbuilding.
For centuries following Europe making contact with the Americas, the established narrative was the chauvinist, imperial line of cultured Europeans bringing civilization to the savages of the New World. This may have suited the Europeans, but we now know it simply wasn’t true.
Instead Columbus and those who followed found a land filled with not only extant cultures, but a rich history of older civilizations, now lost. Evidence of their existence can be found in the landscape of the Americas to this day, dotting the landscape.
Everyone knows of the Aztecs and the Inca, but they were just the lasty in a long line of cultures. Here are seven such cultures in North America which came before them, in pictures.
1. Cahokia

2. Hopewell

3. Serpent Geoglyph

4. Chaco Canyon Puebloans

5. Poverty Point Culture

6. Watson Brake

7. The Dorset People

Top Image: Cliff Palace Overlook in Mesa Verde National Park, United States. Source: Stephen / Adobe Stock.
By Joseph Green