Santa is near-ubiquitous in his depiction today: a fat, jolly man with a red suit, black belt and white fur trim to match his white beard. Friendly and approachable, he gives presents to all the good children on Christmas Eve.
Of course, this is a very modern version of Santa indeed. Popularized as the depiction of Santa following the 1823 poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas” and especially after the image was co-opted by Coca Cola in the early 20th century for its marketing, the depictions of Santa which came earlier are as varied as they are weird.
Who was this figure, and where did he come from? How did people in previous centuries see Santa: what have we remembered, and what have we lost?
Here are six depictions of Santa from history.
1. Saint Nicholas

2. Father Christmas

3. Sinter Klaas

4. Odin

5. Krampus

6. Kris Kringle

Top Image: Santa Claus on the cover of Puck magazine in 1896. Source: Charles Jay Taylor / Public Domain.
By Joseph Green