Amidst the dark reign of Nazi Germany, an intriguing and disturbing chapter unfolded as the…
Few things spark technological innovation like warfare and a sad truth is much of the…
In 1325, an ordinary bucket gained unprecedented notoriety as the alleged trigger for the War…
Napoleon IV, more properly known as the Prince Imperial Napoleon Eugene Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte,…
Genghis Khan, born in 1162, emerged from humble beginnings marked by adversity and loss. His…
Anyone who has ever seen a Hollywood blockbuster or watched an action TV show has…
The global stage of World War II, an 80-year-old battlefield now receding from living memory,…
Guernsey’s landscape may be extremely pretty, but it is also scarred by war. The haunting…
In World War One, the life of British soldiers in the trenches was incredibly challenging,…
Imagine a spice so valuable that people were willing to kill for it. This may…
Douglas MacArthur, General of the US Army and Field Marshal of the Philippine Army, Governor…
It should come as no surprise to anyone that politicians sometimes lie. Catching them out…
How did Carl von Clausewitz’s Private Scribblings Revolutionize War?
by Kurt Readmanby Kurt ReadmanCarl von Clausewitz, or Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewitz to give him his full name,…
Unexplained Mysteries
Rock Apes of Vietnam: Jungle Cryptid of the Vietnam War?
by Bipin Dimriby Bipin DimriThe Vietnam war changed those who experienced it forever. American GIs, trained for conventional warfare,…
The Vietnam war was unlike any other major engagement the United States had ever fought.…