In 1587, a group of English settlers landed on Roanoke Island with the goal of establishing the first permanent English settlement in the New World. Led by Governor John White, the colonists included his pregnant daughter Eleanor Dare and her husband, as well as other families ready to start a new life in North America. However, the colony faced numerous challenges, including food shortages, attacks from Native Americans, and a lack of supplies. In 1590, when Governor White finally returned to the colony after a three-year absence, he found that the entire settlement had disappeared without a trace.
For centuries, historians and archaeologists have searched for answers to the mystery of the lost colony of Roanoke, but little evidence has been found. Recently, a mysterious carved stone was discovered with inscriptions claiming to be from one of the settlers, shedding new light on what may have happened to the missing colonists.
Top image: Pilgrim Fathers arrive in America. Source: Archivist / Adobe Stock.